
Friday, April 30, 2010

Doubtful About Rock Band's Integrity....Much Less the Rest of America

I'm all for listening to new music, (as long as its not some incoherent rambling about why their pants won't say up), and experiencing new styles and takes on a genre. I also very much enjoy the music games Guitar Hero and Rock Band. What I can't seem to get my mind around though, is why the band No Doubt won't stop showing up on Rock Band's song network. There are literally 30+ No Doubt songs on the network now. Why? Why not some more AC/DC or Zep or Marilyn Manson or Ted Nuget? Ozzy? KISS? Metallica? A7X or Dead Kennedys? I would rather the ENTIRE discography of The Killers on there than No Doubt.

Let me just for the record state that one, I do mean all of this and two, no I am not some "depraved" or "demented" metal head that only listens to Death Metal. While I do enjoy the heaviest of Metals any day of the week, in addition to the bands above, I also listen to Motorhead, Rage, LP, Lamb of God, Slipknot, Job for a Cowboy, IWABO, as well as saxophone solos and the Classic Composers such as Beethoven and so many more. I have a very, very diverse music library full of pieces I believe further the progression of the human mind and soul as well as convey emotions that people would normally lock you up for expressing. Now that we have that out of the way.....

I don't care what anyone says, that goddamn coked-out cheerleader does not and has never played any form of rock; it is in fact in the same alley as someone like Lady Gaga, and in my brutal opinion, they both need to be put down. Invading my ear canals and kicking my eardrums in with low grade chum quality lyrics and sounds; this "pop" crap has to go. I'll be damned if anyone actually considers this popular. I've actually punched someones left front tooth out for trying to get me to listen to that "Holla Back Girl" or whatever the Hell its called. I am also sick and tired of people who aren't old enough to be potty trained crooning to me about how much they're in love and that their lives are empty without their insignificant other. Justin Bieber or Beiber or whatever your name is: STOP IT! STOP trying to create music. It sounds like a pack of hyenas getting neutered with flamethrowers. All "pop" music should be buried or burned and its creators should have their mouths sewn shut and hands cut off and they should be considered Untouchables and shunned from society with the do nothing but "party" celebrities like Paris Hilton and all the other bimbos that keep appearing on the cover of every goddamn magazine like they just cured cancer.

Is this what you want influencing you? Taking your hard earned money and years of gathered knowledge? ->

I didn't think so.

I'd wager that if this country restricted "pop" and "rap" and "Rn'B" music that crime rates would fall and people would actually have an IQ with double digits. If the "party girls" of Hollywood were all just put down instead of giving them reality shows and awards for doing what a brain dead monkey with no arms or legs could do, I figure people would actually legitimately become more in-tune with what's going on in the world. Maybe we could actually start colonizing other planets and riding the world of hunger if all those goddamn twats would donate just part of their exorbitant incomes to science and the furthering of our species. Stop shitty music from entering the brains of people and I can guarantee that you won't have another generation of Paris Hilton's or Britney Spears' or whatever-her-name-is from No Doubt or the woman who's name is actually less creative than something my 3-month-old cousin came up with yesterday.

I don't want to see your Pokerface, I refuse to stay in your "5 star" hotels, I have no interest in whatever a Holla Back Girl is, I am not in preschool so I know how to spell banana and I'm no where near wanting to have some pre-pubescent twat-waffle singing to me about the love of my life when he can't even count past his toes. I would celebrate the day that these people were shot. I would commemorate the death of shit-music and people. I'd use my life saving to build a statue to erect in every city square showing the death of pop and stupidity and the beginning of the new Renaissance.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just crazy. But the next time you turn on the radio, think twice about your station setting. The next time you're about to turn on E! or TMZ think twice about it. Rock. Discovery Channel. Easy ways to lengthen your lifespan and make you smarter than the guy on the bus who's pants are down past his ankles while bouncing around and nodding to a drunken and often coked up "artist" with no self respect or respect for others. You'd probably even become smarter than that 14-year-old girl who's stealing plastic sunglasses she can't even see out of so she can match her shirt thereby making her existance complete when the 21-year-old guy she's crushing on rapes and kills her in the back of a van with his buddies who are blasting the Jonas Brothers to attract more. Yeah. Think about it. All of this could've been avoided if Rock Band just chose better songs to list in their music store.


COD: Black-Ops Takes You Globe Trotting...

According to GAME's Website in the UK, Black Ops will take you from Cuba to the Artic to, (yeah, totally called it), Vietnam:

"Now you will witness the birth of the Elite Special Forces and take part in off-the-record missions using unconventional weaponry to get the job done! From Cuba to the Artic and the jungles of Vietnam, Call of Duty: Black Ops features stunning cinematic graphics and intense gameplay that puts you right at the heart of the action!"

Meh....I never really liked games where you have to be or two missions I can handle but if this game is going to be like Tenchu or something with all the sneaking and stuff, I'm going to pass. If its not like that then I'll give it a second look; for the moment however, I'm writing it off.


Sony Just Can't Keep A Secret....

As a huge fan of the sandboxy-ness and gameplay of inFamous, I've patiently been awaiting its sequel since beating the game a few weeks after it was released back in May of 2009. Sony.....well, Sony isn't the best at keeping secrets a la PSP Go or Killzone 3. Just recently though "" has shown up as reserved by Sony for "unannounced purposes." Really? Unannounced? Whatever man, its coming out and I would put money on seeing a teaser at E3 this year.

Come to think of it, LittleBigPlanet 2, Killzone 3, Resistance 3 and inFamous 2 should all be making debuts at E3 this year....Hmmmmm....someone needs to work on their secret-keeping skills over at Sony. Just waiting to hear about Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XIII Versus and Uncharted 3 and I'll be a happy man...


8-Bit Never Gets Old.....

8-Bit Rebellion is a nifty little iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad game that I talked about a while back when I first heard about it. After buying it for only $4.99 USD I was amazed by the depth and level that they incorporated the music and personalities of the individual band members into the game; each member had his own little area of the city such as Chester's Casino or Shinoda's Art Gallery. There are 8-bit versions of their hit songs playing and you can unlock the full ones to play in game.

If you have their actual music on the device you're playing on then you get more unlockables in the game as well as trophies/achievements. Beating the game allows you access to a never-before released track from the group; from what I've heard, its pretty awesome. There's plenty of gear (I'm the Master Chief knockoff), posters and furniture to collect as well as leveling up and just pounding on baddies who work for PixxelKorp (the evil company attempting world domination through crappy music and brainwashing). Load times are pretty much non-existant and the controls are wonderful. I hate iGames that have crappy control schemes or rely on the accelerometer too much. This game has wonderful and simple controls that you can either keep invisible or show up as a mini D-pad; which in this game actually doesn't get in the way of the actual gameplay.

I'm roughly halfway through the story now and I can honestly say this is funner than some of my Xbox 360 Arcade games. There's plenty of people online who're willing to help you out as well as fans who just want to talk LP. Overall I definitely give this game a 4.5/5 and I will definitely change that if they add to the story through updates or even just add side missions every now and then. Great game, really great game...


Oh Hi, Forgot About You...(The Unwanted Studio Has a New Game)

Well, here comes Treyarch! In my opinion, they're capitalizing on Infinity Ward's take on non-WWII and just putting a little more edge on it, (the trailer debuts today, I'll give my thoughts when I see it). But its been accidentally leaked, dated and well, probably going to have some Vietnam in there I'd say; Treyarch does love to beat dead horses.....with mallets and maces....for their last few games....oh well. Hey, if its in Vietnam does that mean I get to kill Vietcong Zombies or something? Maybe its the Cold War days and I get to shoot Mikhail Gorbachev in the dome? Ohhhh the possibilities....


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bungie Defends Its Honor

Bungie has put out a statement about their recent (and unexpected) partnership with Activision Blizzard:

"The story of Bungie is wild, winding, and full of majestic wonder. We’ve treaded many pathways over these last nineteen years. But for all the twists and turns we’ve taken, we’re still doing what we set out to do from the beginning, back when the whole of “Bungie Software Products Corporation” consisted of two friends operating out of a basement in Chicago:

Making kick ass games that we want to play."

"And as Bungie has grown, the industry’s best and brightest have been totally accretive to our own creative margins. It’s no secret that while the full might of our studio has focused on making Halo: Reach, another core team, led by our co-founder and Studio Creative Director, Jason Jones, has already begun laying the groundwork to bring our newest universe, stories, and characters to life.
Today, we’re poised to open a new chapter in Bungie’s history—one that begins with a partnership between Bungie and Activision and ends where we always knew it would, with World Domination. Our Next Big Thing now has a concrete path, leading from our studio to the platforms of our choosing. The business formalities are behind us. Our Constitution remains unchanged. We are still Bungie, still independent, and now we are free to bring our stories to an ever bigger audience.

Next up, the most ambitious game we’ve ever made, Halo: Reach. Built upon ten years of experience developing the Halo franchise, we’ve assembled the best team, the best technology, and the best talent to ensure that Reach is the game our fans deserve. Strap in and buckle up tight, we’re sending our baby out with a bang.

Once the smoke clears, all the pieces will finally be in place for Step 7. Don’t worry, though. We won’t let World Domination go to our heads. We’re gonna keep making kick ass games on our own terms, and since you’ve been so supportive throughout the years, we’d love to bring you along for the ride."

I really don't know what's going to come of this but after reading Bungie's message I can't help but feel kind of secure about what they're doing. Oh well....


I've heard some pretty strange nerd-rage stories but I'll be damned if this isn't one of the strangest.

Apparently, a 16-year-old Chilean boy raged all over his 18-year-old brother for simply turning on their PS3 without permission. What makes this even weirder is that the 16-year-old stabbed his brother to death with a kitchen knife.

Yup, seriously. The boy stated that he became "infuriated" when his older brother turned on the console without asking, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and proceeded to stab him in the chest. The teen later told police that "things got out of control." If charges are pressed he'll be put in prison for up to five years.

Seriously...? Its shit like this that makes FOX NEWS and other wackos hate gamers and their games. Seek some counseling; splurge on another console or copy of the game or another control but for the love of Halo stop killing people! Jeez, you'd assume that the PS3 was made specifically for him with a controller that he had calibrated for his psycho little hands.....

People need to get some Ritalin or something man....


Bungie Has Gone To The Dark Side....

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced......Obi Wan was right. It appears that Bungie, (yes, HALO's Bungie), has partnered up with Activision......for 10 years......

According to Bungie's President Harold Ryan - "We chose to partner with Activision on our next IP because of their global reach, multi-platform experience and marketing expertise. From working together over the past nine months on this agreement, it is clear that Activision supports our commitment to giving our fans the best possible gaming experiences."

According to the COO of Activision Blizzard Thomas Tippi - "Today we are very proud to announce a groud breaking ten year partnership between Bungie, one of the greatest developers in the world and the makers of Halo, with Activision, the number one video game publisher, who will bring the new intellectual property to fans worldwide across all platforms.[...] We are always looking for opportunities to bring great games to gamers worldwide; there are very few studios in the world of the caliber of Bungie, with the track record of making games that sell. As such we began discussions with Bungie about nine months ago...."

Bungie isn't making the same mistake as Infinity Ward did however, they plan to stay independent and maintain ownership over this new IP; Activision only gets publishing and distribution rights.

Whatever their new IP is, I hope that the franchise doesn't get boned over in some way by Activision and their greedy ways. I can only hope that Halo: Reach is going to be so amazing that it makes up for the travesty just commited......if I see Bungie's name on a Wii or DS game I will flip out and burn ever copy to a crisp.

I dunno, I'll probably end up getting anything Bungie puts out, Activision or not; here's hopes for Marathon revival!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

*BEEEEEEEEEEP* (I just said Muhammad btw)

Well Trey Parker and Matt Stone both have death threats on their heads. Well death warnings anyway. To bring about their 200th episode, the dynamic duo raised some unwanted attention from angry Jihadists who apparently, don't like cartoons.

"We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them." - From the Revolution Muslim website.

Let me explain. Back on August 29, 2004 a Dutch filmmaker by the name of Theo Van Gogh released a ten minute short film (with the help of Ayaan Hirsi Ali) called Submission. The movie deals with the topic of violence against women in some Islamic societies; telling the stories of four abused Muslim women. The title itself, "Submission", is a translation of the word "ISLAM" into English. In the film, women's naked bodies are veiled with semi-transparent shrouds as they kneel in prayer, telling their stories as if they are speaking to Allah. As you can imagine, Islamic extremists sent out the standard death threat to which Van Gogh replied, "Nobody kills the village idiot." Too wrong he was because on November 2, 2004 he was gunned down by Mohammed Bouyeri while biking to work. He was shot 8 times, almost decapitated and then two knives were left in the body, one with a 5 page threat to Western governments, Jews and such. Ayann Ali went into hiding after threats were made against her as well.

Its not that they don't like cartoons, per se, they just don't like cartoons of their holy prophet Muhammad. I would understand if it was a warped caricature of the prophet or something to that effect, but it wasn't. In fact, they only satirized the act of satirizing Muhammad!

The Simpsons seem to think that South Park had every right to do what they did and are kind of backing them up.

While I don't condone the act of blatantly satirizing religious figures, I do condone freedom of speech and I can appreciate a good joke or satirization. The creators of South Park are good people who make fun of EVERYONE. If you've ever watched a single episode of South Park you'd know that they make fun of every possible race, religion, person, place or event. They pull no punches and shouldn't be targeted by some psychotic radicals bent on instilling fear upon people.

Again, only my opinion, but I still believe that people should CHILL THE HELL OUT. There is no reason to get worked up over a GODDAMN CARTOON that is aired primarily in the U.S. If you are a Jihadist or Islamic radical or whatever you call yourself, if you have a problem, get and stay the Hell out of the country that you hate so much. Its that simple. The U.S. may be one of the stupidest, fattest, most self-righteous countries out there but I'll be damned if this isn't an amazing place to live and seek opportunities. You or your parents came here for freedoms or money or whatever so get used to the way things work around here. If you can't, get the Hell out. Make threats on your blog from your third world country. Go ahead. But seriously, just chill out. Its not that hard, to do. Do a little guided meditation or yoga or something, just chill out and let people do and say what they want. Damn.


Reaching Out For Reach (Its Almost Here *squeeeee*)

Cue the ominous vocalization track; its Halo time. That’s right folks Bungie’s brainchild turned Microsoft’s cash cow is back and goddamn it looks good. This time around we’re playing Halo: Reach; set before the downfall of the Elites, rise of the Brutes, deaths of the Prophets and the destruction reigned down upon all of their terror-filled bodies by the one and only Master Chief John-117. This will be Bungie’s second Halo game without neither hide nor hair of the Chief and one can only speculate its success.

Reach should be at least somewhat familiar to those who have read the best-selling book by Eric Nylund: The Fall of Reach in which you see the beginning of a hero; John-117. It’s a planet in Epsilon Eridani system, and the birthplace of the Spartan-II’s.

We see Halo: Reach though the eyes of Noble Team who are assembled after a teammate goes MIA (Spartans are never listed as KIA) and the seemingly silent “Rookie” type character. As far as the campaign goes that’s all that I really know.

The multiplayer on the other hand has been completely revamped. There are so many differences between this game and all the past titles. Here are just a few:

Adversarial balance between Spartans and Elites – The Elites are now bigger and faster, they also have better shields and also regenerate health without health packs; they can also evade (a roll). The Spartans have better aim with more precise weapons as well as the ability to sprint and are definitely the teamwork unit.

There are Armor Abilities now; kind of like a loadout in most other FPS games. For instance you get the assault rifle with the jetpack and sprint with the DMR (Dedicated Marksman Rifle). Not a real customization feature but definitely not reminiscent of the BR/AR combo and pick up as you go. It does offer the possibilities of expanding gameplay in the sense that you, as a jetpack trooper can nick the sniper rifle and boost to a perch almost out of harms way, if it’s within your boost range of course (falling damage is back).

Armor Lock is a timed invincibility that also lets out an EMP burst that’s strength is dependant on the time it’s held for. It leaves you immune to vehicular and melee as well as guns but renders you immobile. Just imagine you’re the lone defender of your flag and your teammates are at the respawn screen. Give the other team a run for their money by Armor Locking and bursting just as your teammates sprint and fly to your rescue.

Assassinations aren’t really new to the Halo scene but the way they’re conducted in this game definitely is. There’s still the typical button mashing silliness equated with trying to beat someone down before they get you but if you are lurking around the map in a blindspot, you can hold down the melee button to trigger a third person assassination animation, which in my opinion, is totally worth the time it take to execute it.

Weapons have been overhauled. No more do they look like little toy guns. Now the weapons look mean. And the new ones aren’t pulling punches either. On the Covenant side there’s a plasma grenade launcher and something called the “Focus Rifle”. For the Spartans though, there’s a nifty little grenade launcher that, if you hold the fire button, will cook the grenade, seemingly indefinitely and then blow up in your enemy’s face.

There’s going to be a lot of Shriekers on Day 1…..I think I might just play with my speakers muted for a few days. This brings back memories of when the Halo 3 beta went live….not only did I thoroughly enjoy lasering people, I enjoyed the mute option for all the 11 year olds that somehow conned their mothers into buying them Crackdown. Let’s hope they didn’t buy their kids ODST huh?


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Woot! Ubi's DRM is DEAD!

Yup, that's right folks! Ubisoft's DRM has been cracked and shot and broken by hacker group Skid Row. This came after Ubisoft's controversial DRM addition which rendered your playtime on your game (or even loading the game) useless unless you were connected to the internet. Skid Row alerted other potential hackers (in the readme file for the crack) that they had taken measures to prevent reverse-engineering of their crack as well as taking a potshot at Ubisoft:

"Thank you Ubisoft, this was quite [sic] a challenge for us; but nothing stops the leading force from doing what we do. Next time focus on the game and not on the DRM. It was probably horrible for all legit users. We just make their lives [sic] easier."

Well done Skid Row, I applaud you and your work and I hope Ubisoft listens to you and the thousands outraged by the lack of freedom from a fully paid for game.


Sims 3 on 360? Eh, I'll Get It.

Well its official, the Sims 3 is on its way to consolesand hand helds this fall. While I am a huge fan of the Sims franchise, (having played The Sims and Sims 2 and most of the SimCity's) I don't know how this one (which I haven't played yet cause my PC is garbage) will turn out on the console.

EA is apparently having a system called "Karma Powers" which will allow you to have instant control over your Sim for a "good or evil" type decision which will balance itself out in the end; it'll also have a "seamlessly integrated exchange" where you can build and share your creations with others as well as the now seemingly "required" Facebook connectivity.

I'm probably going to get it since it'll have achievements, but I don't know if I'll enjoy the game as much as I did the first one. I'll post more details as they become available but I'm guessing there won't be any until E3.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Its Been A Long Time Coming....(Exodus in Motion) *UPDATE*

*UPDATE* 26. That is the number of talented devs and designers that have taken their leave from Activision's very own prison, Infinity Ward, and have either joined forces with Vince Zampella and Jason West at Respawn, or aren't employed as of yet.

The original seven to join Respawn were:

Todd Alderman - Lead Designer on MW2
Mackey McCandlish - Lead Designer on MW2
Mark Grisby - Lead Animator on MW2
John Paul Messerly - Lead Animator on MW2
Chris Cherubini - Lead Environmentalist on MW2
Rayme C. Vinson - Software Engineer on MW2
Jon Shiring - Programmer on MW2

The latest to jump ship from Infinity Ward are Senior Designers Mohammad Alavi, Chad Grenier and Brent McLeod as well as Programmer Chris Lambert and Jason McCord all last Friday. In addition to them three more left this past weekend: Level Designer Keith Bell, Designer Charlie Wiederhold and Level Designer Preston Glenn.

*UPDATE* Five more people left yesterday: Lead Character Artist Joel Emslie, Weapons Artist Ryan Lastimosa,  Artist Brad Allen, Lead Programmer Robert Field and (not a dev but still important) HR/recruitment specialist Kristin Cotterell.

All I can say is that this is testament to Activision's bad handling of an easily fixable situation; all of this could have been avoided and the people who matter, the Gamers, could've had MW3 in our hands in 2011/12. Now I doubt if the game will be put out and even if it is, if it will be worth it to even rent the game. I'll be checking that Respawn page like a hawk for any changes though, that's for sure...


Friday, April 23, 2010

Dividing Up the Problem - Activision Is Digging Their Own Grave

Well we all know that Activision completely boned themselves over, but how much exactly? After the formation of Respawn Entertainment Activision, and seemingly to quell the uprising against them of Infinity Ward’s remaining devs leaving in droves, the company announced through Dan Amrich and his Facebook:

“Vince and Jason had very large bonuses; those bonuses are being redistributed to everybody else, to the people who did not allegedly attempt to steal company secrets. (Please see Activision’s countersuit for details about Vince and Jason’s surreptitious attempts to photocopy and scan sensitive documents.) Activision is not pocketing that bonus money; it’s still going to the people who work at IW. But you have to work at IW to get it, see? :) I don’t want to see talented people screwed out of a paycheck any more than you do.”

Yes the facetious smiley was there as well as the blatant potshot at the devs who’ve already left IW. In my opinion there really was no sensitive document scanning and Activision is pocketing some of the money because they are the ones who determine the bonus size no? What’s to stop them from saying $100,000 is the bonus that was to be shared when it was more likely millions? Either way this entire pot of stew is definitely spoiled and I really hope Activision gets what’s coming to them. I don't think they realize that this entire fiasco started because of these bonuses. They're literally just dividing up their issues and tossing a few bucks to the people who remain at IW. I don't doubt either that the bonus can be revoked if they were to leave and seek employment elsewhere.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Yes ladies and gentlemen, the best arcade fighter to EVER be created officially has a SEQUEL!!!

Today at Captivate '10 Capcom has officially unveiled their teaser trailer for MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3!!!

I have been playing Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Superheroes and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes for the last 12+ years and finally, finally Capcom has listened and is taunting us with a trailer for the Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds.

Surprising to me though, this game will only, (it seems right now), be released on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles, not in the typical two player arcade machine style. Why they're doing this is beyond me. I don't know how many thousands of quarters and arcade tokens I've used on those two games.

I used to live in Manhattan when I was younger, and everyday after school there was only one place you could find me. The arcades. There were several back then; two in Chinatown, quite a few on Broadway itself; most are closed down now though. But before my parents forced me to move to Florida, I made damn sure that I broke the high score on every MvC2 machine I could get my little hands on. Up until four years ago in fact I had the high scores on six different machines in Manhattan and two in Queens and even the one in Brooklyn that wasn't smashed in. When I last checked though most of those famous arcades had went out of business or were bought out and made into something else. At that time I still had four high scores, my machines in Queens and two in Manhattan. Now though, it seems like the era of the arcade is dead, there's only the one arcade still open in Queens; the others all closed, (one became a Chuck E' Cheese).

That's neither here nor there. What's relevant is the fact that this game has officially debuted but doesn't have a release date yet. There are hints at new characters though; in the teaser trailer you clearly see Resident Evil's Chris Redfield fighting the Hulk on a building. I really hope the rumors are true; supposedly the character list from MvC2 has been doubled. I honestly, am giddy with excitement. I love this game, like, severely love this game. I even have the special Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Tournament Edition Fight Stick for the Xbox 360.

Thoroughly excited and definitely gonna follow this like a hawk.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Final Fantasy Shouldn't Be Ported.....Ever Again

The Final Fantasy Series has been well known to be an exclusive title. Always on one console, always looked positively stunning in comparison to other games. Then, by some unknown un-godly force, Microsoft aquired it and released it on the Xbox 360 at the same time as the PlayStation 3 version.

My only question is why. Why would Square-Enix even think about porting such a title to the Xbox? No, I'm not a PS3 or 360 fanboy in the least but I do solidly believe in the ability to keep particular titles completely exclusive. I never want to see Halo or Gears of War on the PlayStation 3 nor do I want to even imagine Kratos or Kingdom Hearts on the Xbox 360. I sure as Hell didn't want to see Final Fantasy XIII, a title that I've been waiting for years to be a half-assed port onto a console that doesn't, in my opinion, have the ability to play it in all its glory.

Final Fantasy XIII is a visually stunning game that has a very unique ATB system that puts Final Fantasy XII to shame; graphically alone it is jaw-dropping, let alone its amazing take on gameplay. The 360 just doesn't do the game justice. Having waited in line for hours to get the game for my trusty ol' original PS3, it would be an understatement to say that I wasn't completely out of my mind with excitement to play it. I got home, turned the volume up to 11, plugged in the HDMI cable I was saving just for this moment and pressed New Game. I didn't stop smiling even after I'd hit my last save point the next day, (I called in), after 13 hours of play, (I match the first play binge to the title number); I didn't stop smiling even when I died my first time.

I did however stop smiling once I popped my 360 copy of the game in though. I turned the volume up to 11, plugged in the HDMI cord and pressed New Game. I didn't smile one bit. The sound just felt like someone was holding a blanket up over the speakers and the graphics....the graphics were just bad. I didn't even make it past the first mini-boss before I turned it off and traded it in. Not even kidding. When Lightning, the one of the main characters, attacks, she's supposed to have sparks flying off of her and her attacks; beautifully done in the PS3 version but in the 360's version, it looks like square confetti. Monsters were missing polygons and attacks were sometimes slow and once I had a creature that literally just stood there as I wailed on it.

Not only that but it came on three separate discs; installing should have helped the load times, it didn't at all. I couldn't stand the load times in the least and then of course it loaded into a crappy rendition of a game that really shouldn't have been done in the first place.

I actually returned my copy of the 360 Final Fantasy XIII the next day. I couldn't believe the disappointment I got from that port. I don't know what they were thinking but goddamn I'm glad FFXIII Versus is PS3 only....


Friday, April 16, 2010

Small tidbit concerning the seemingly increasing hostilities between EA and Activision; started of course with the fiasco that is still unfolding between Activision and Infinity Ward ex-staff members Vince Zampella and Jason West. More on that HERE, HERE and  HERE.

Yesterday though Activision, through press release, boasted its "impressive sales" of the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Map Pack and how the company is lifting its quarterly fiscal outlook.

EA, being Activision's well known competitor, took a quick potshot at its excited rival; Jeff Brown, EA's director of corporate communications quipped this to "This is kind of like announcing: The race horse I shot last month has won the Triple Crown !"

EA of course is currently backing Zampella and West along with their new company Respawn Studios through the EA Partners program, which allows the two canned dev heads to own their IPs that they create...the reason this whole mess started in the first place (Infinity Ward vs. Activision).

Oh well....maybe they can make a sitcom out of this or something. This is entertaining, but add the guys from Harold & Kumar and SNL and then we'll have a good show. What do you think?


Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Literally About to Tweet History...

I want you to think about what I just said....tweet history. No, no one died or no cure for cancer. The simple act of tweeting is now considered "history". The United States Library of Congress....yeah....believes that the day to day incessant ramblings and ravings of the general population deserve to be immortalized in their normally exclusive archives.

Apparently intellectuals believe that this is a good idea as well; according to them, normal means of information conveyance have depicted people of a higher stature, or for lack of a better description, people with something at least semi-coherent and meaningful to say. But now, everyone from the noted child molester, murderers and general scum of the planet have their thoughts filtered in to the general public's; which isn't much different either. I don't know how many times I've gone into my Twitter account to check CNN's or the New York Time's headlines of the day and seen 14,000 'tweets' about someone's life sucking, too much "drama", what time the Kardashians start or that little "Tweet-king" himself, Justin Bieber (I didn't know who or what he was until I was alerted to him when I yelled "WHO THE F*** IS THIS GUY?!" in Book's-a-Million.) who is for some reason a trending topic for the last 6 months.

Apparently the Library has been doing stuff like this for a decade or so, since Web Sites began the to enter the fray as a useful and reliable source for information. The Tweets will be taking their place right by the information gathered from the Net during events such as presidential elections and the 9/11 attacks and the Library has amassed more than 167 terabytes of digital material, more than what the text of the 21 million books they've collected would equal.

This is not the material I want to be seeing when I'm excavating what's left of Washington, D.C. after the world ends. I don't see how the everyday tweets of the general (and IMO uneducated) masses are an "immense impact on culture and history." (<- That came from the director of communications for the Library if you can believe it.)

Am I the only sane person left in this country or are there other survivors of the Stup-ocalypse left out there? Calling all survivors, we must collect our own knowledge to weather the coming storm....hopefully, we will outlive the attrocities that will soon be commited and re-educate the remaining populace with actual knowledge.....knowledge that can be used to re-populate the Earth with people that aren't brain damaged at birth from the stupidity consumed by their moronic parents....

Just my take on the matter; I could be crazy and this could be the best thing to ever happen to the human race....or it could be another reason EVERY country in the world thinks we're a bunch of over-weight, uneducated hypocritical idiots. Just saying...


3D Gaming?

Within the coming months, some families will have their presence graced with a marvelous new toy; a 3D HDTV. Now, the kids, (or adults even) who are even the slightest bit into gaming will most likely wonder: "Hey, I wonder if there are any 3D vidjma-games that you can play?" Well Sony has the answer.

For those of you lucky enough to both own a PS3 and be financially endowed enough to buy a BRAVIA 3D TV you'll be getting a small collection of ready to play 3D games: Wipeout HD, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, PAIN and Super Stardust HD, and you'll get them via voucher code, most likely in the box of said TV, (3D glasses not included.)

Are we really that close to entering this new generation of gaming? (Good/Useable) Motion controllers or lack thereof (NATAL) are getting closer; this holiday to be exact, and 3D TV's capable of 3D gaming? I don't know what to expect but all I know is I'll be so pissed off if I can't connect my good ol' NES to my new BRAVIA.


More Infinity Ward Staff Check Out

Yep...more of them. I don't know what to say because I really believe its the right thing for them to get out from under Activision but the gamer in me is saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Today Mark Grigsby, the team's Lead Animator, and Paul Messerly, the Lead Character Animator, have both left Infinity Ward. Grigsby had been with the company since 2005 and Messerly had been there since the formation; he worked with Medal of Honor's dev group 2015 Inc. but moved in 2002.
If you don't know off the bat who Mark Grigsby is, think back to Modern Warfare number one. A certain Staff Sergeant Griggs come up? Yeah, Grigsby was the inspiration and voice actor for that character; he also was the one rapping at the end of that game. That's actually probably the only rap song that I own...

More and more devs dropping, Activision, couldn't you part with a few million? You'd have made it back ten-fold when Modern Warfare 3 dropped. Oh well....


XboxLive Used to Fight Crime?

XboxLive is the major gaming network in which millions of people can get together, party up and game until the cows come home. A majority of the people on Xbox are, for lack of a better word, strange, but that doesn't mean we're not moral or just! After perusing, I discovered a couple of articles about gamers who "save the day":

One was very serious involving a possible school shooting that was thwarted by several concerned party members in a game lobby. One of the people, disgruntled by his failing grades as a senior in school spoke very descriptively about fellow schoolmates that he would target when he shot up the school and disconnected suddenly when questioned about it by his fellow party members. Whether he was just messed up and joking or not one Canadian party member in British Columbia alerted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who then investigated and with the help of good ol' Microsoft Law Enforcement, tracked the individual to San Antonio, Texas where he was arrested. Later it was found that he was very serious; intending to get weapons from a friend in the Marines and considered details such as  how long S.W.A.T would take to arrive and had a list of names of people in particular.He also commented that he wanted to be remembered forever. XBL community 1, criminals 0.

Another was....particularly strange, but not uncommon I'm afraid. Apparently 24 year old Ryan E. Donker of Portsmouth, VA admitted to asking for nude pictures from a 13 year old Arkansas boy on multiple occassions. He was extradited to Arkansas under felony charges and $20,000 bond. Apparently Fayetteville Police had recorded several of these conversations where Donker tried to solicit the boy but thanks to the good ol' Xbox he was apprehended and put away for a bit. XBL community 2, crimials 0.

The last one I read was more recent; tampering with a witness. Yeah. People will do anything over XBL it seems. Apparently Anythony Hayward of Hamden, Conneticut was taken in under charges or "tampering with a witness, intimitdating a witness and two counts of second-degree harassment"; all commited through XboxLive messages. "I wouldn't laugh 2 much U a dead man walking" and "Rats die slow" were among the messages sent to a material witness in a case against Hayward  who was out on bail under gun and drug possession charges. He was taken in again and hasn't posted his new bail. XBL community 3, criminals 0.

I think we have a winner!!! At any rate, this shows two things; there are some messed up people on XBL, but there are good people who report things that really really need to be reported. Always be observant and report psychos to the proper authorities; better safe than sorry folks!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yup, More of IW Ditched.....

Yeah that's right. Another four people have dropped from Infinity Ward's staff roster:

Lead Designers Steve Fukuda and Zied Reike have left after being with the company since its founding days working on the Medal of Honor series.

Programmer Rayme Vinson as well as Lead Artist Chris Cherubini have also been confirmed to have left the studio for good.

These are just the latest in the string of devs jumping ship after the canning of studio heads Jason West and Vince Zampella who were fired under acusations from Activision of "delaying production of Modern Warfare 3." I don't know about them but I figure they've got more important issues on their hands.


The End of an Era.....(my old Xbox gets put under the bed)....

Well today is the day. Today we begin mourning our beloved original Xboxs and their multiplayer titles; XboxLive will be cut off from them. Microsoft announced it a while ago but I don't know if we're ready to leave games like Halo 2 or Crimson Skies or even good ol' Battlefield 2.

The Xbox made its debut on November 15, 2001 with the game that dropped me onto a ringworld that took my normally casual gaming to a whole new and competitive level, Halo: Combat Evolved. Exactly one year later Microsft introduced the XboxLive subscription service; a way for you to connect and play with or against people from all over the world as well as download new content straight to the harddrive on the console. The first two months up only saw about 250,000 individual subscribers. In July, 2004, Microsoft announced that Xbox Live had reached one million subscribers; in July, 2005, (IMO due to the release of Halo 2) membership reached two million people. As of May 2009 that number has increased to 20,000,000 and is still growing daily. An astounding number of people across the planet are spending their time teaming up with and killing each other via this insanely popular virtual network; everyone in my house has a subscription as a matter of fact.

The bomb was dropped on February 5th, 2010 that on April 15th, 2010, there would be no more XboxLive through original Xboxs or for their games even if played on the Xbox360. 'Tis a sad day for all, a sad day indeed.

As I type this I am in fact gathering my old Xbox games and console for one last hurrah; my copies of Halo/Halo 2, Crimson Skies and Battlefield 2 are going to get played until dawn....or whenever they cut off Live. After that....Halo 2 might come out for campaign nostalgia, but I don't know if I could bear to face it without being able to rip someone to shreds from 50 feet away with a totally bullshit sword swing....ah, the good ol' days....


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The End of a Great Company?

The "Fall of Duty" as most people now refer to it is getting pretty deep now. It started way back when Activision canned Vince Zampella and Jason West and now has come to more talented devs just up and leaving Infinity Ward.

HERE is a past post I did about why this all started and HERE is the second in the timeline confirming the cause. Where we fall now is definitely turbulent waters for the company that Activision "[looks] forward to continuing work with Infinity Ward's deep bench of proven talent..."

About a month after the initial canning, Infinity Ward lost two more: Todd Alderman who is a Lead Designer for Modern Warfare and Francesco Gigliotti, a Lead Software Engineer.

After this bit, Zampella and West formed Respawn Studios, a company that will own the IPs they create and are working with EA Partners for publishing and distribution. A swift kick in the nads to Activision in my opinion.

After the forming of Respawn Entertainment, Activision made this comment: "This agreement comes as no surprise to Activision given the myriad of improper activities detailed in the cross-complaint filed on Friday against [Zampella and Vince]...." I don't think Vince and Zampella did anything out of bounds and that Activision is seriously off its rocker if they think they'll be able to put out a title like Modern Warfare 3 and have it surpass MW2.

Now we see three people leaving the company at the same time; Programmer Jon Shiring, Senior Animator Bruce Ferriz and Lead Designer Mackey McCandlish are all no longer employed under Infinity Ward/Activision. None of the three have said exactly why they left, nor have they commented on what their next steps are; except for Ferriz who has confirmed to have been picked up by Santa-Monica's Big Red Button Entertainment for an undisclosed project.

With the company's devs all leaving Infinity Ward, I really wonder what's going to happen to one of the best game series' I've ever played; not only the game but the company that consistently put out amazing titles for all to enjoy. I wonder what Activision has to say now.


Cliff, you read my mind man....

Well the news has just broke and some of the features I was pining for in Gears of War 3 are a reality. 4 player online co-op campaign!!!! ANYA is a playable character!!! DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUNS!!!! The Lambent are confirmed even though we knew it was coming for sure. Unconfirmed still are rumors about underwater levels, mech suits and underground traveling explosives. But what is confirmed is the:


Brush off your Gears of War 1 & 2 folks; replay that story, practice your multiplayer and get ready, we've got less than one year until one of gaming's most insane trilogies is completed.


Gears of War 3, you're so me....

Not to sound like another drooling fanboy but....ZOMGOMGOMGOMG GEARS 3 TRAILER!!!!!

Alright, that's out of my system....let me wipe the drool off my mouth and get on with it. I've watched the amazing teaser roughly 23 times now, taking note of what appears to be new features as well as kicks into the story line:
First I noticed, and what everyone else probably noticed, was that everything was ashen. Literally, the bodies I assumed were oddly placed statues literally turned to dust when touched, or in the trailer's case slammed into. This is more than likely a new plot twist to the already amazing storyline that the Gears of War series has brought to the table. I also noticed that everything was ashen in place; as if it had happened without warning a la Pompeii. A cataclysm maybe? Something the Locust did? Something the humans did in an effort to save themselves?
Another thing I noticed was good ol' Delta Squad; they've had some upgrades that's for sure. Firstly a new squad-mate!!! Tell me that's not Anya! Marcus is totally getting some and she's killing Locust, sheer awesome. The armor seems a little less bulky in my opinion. Not only was Dom not rocking sleeves, Marcus and the rest of Delta weren't either. It seems that the full body suit is now just the leggings with a vest type upper body cover. Weapons seem to have changed as well. While "Anya" was sporting the typical lancer, you'll notice Dom was handed a rifle with a normal blade for a bayonet; the kind used during the Imulsion Wars where it was human vs. human. Marcus was rocking a "new" double-barreled shotgun (I say new because the barrels were horizontally lined up not vertically) and shot what looked like two separate blasts without cocking it.
On the same note, Delta looks....older. Not literally, as if 10 years had passed but they look tired. Cole is bald and looks more muscular than before and Baird is rocking a cap n' goggles but I couldn't tell more than that. Marcus looks the same as he always has in my opinion; battered, bruised, scarred but never beaten. Dom though, looks more serious than he has in the prior two games. Where his face used to show a joking and optimistic individual now shows someone who seems apathetic and resigned. People who've played the first two games know **SPOILER ALERT** (for those who haven't but will) that Marcus and Dom found Dom's wife deep in the Locust Hollow and Dom did what he had to do and shot her. **END SPOILER ALERT** You even see him in the trailer gaze at a conveniently placed ashen figure of a mother and child as it gets run down by a Locust; he stares it for too long, stares at the Locust as it's about to kill him and just kind of accepts it. When Marcus blasts the creature away Dom winces as if he wished the Locust had killed him.
Also very noticible in the trailer is the Lambent attacking both sides. It makes me wonder if the Locust are really as big a threat as they used to be and if some how the humans would be teaming up with them to exterminate the common threat.
What I hope we'll see in this Gears is a much better multiplayer for one. I want a multiplayer where the Host isn't running around invincible. I want a multiplayer where stopping power on a gun actually works when it should (stopping some chainsaw-happy 8 year old) and when it shouldn't (making you flinch four times in a row after the person shooting you is already dead and you're just standing there unable to move). I also want bigger team choices, up to 8-10 per team would be AMAZING for larger scale fights but still retaining the choices of your typical 5v5 Warzone and such.

Something else I hope we'll see is 4-player (well 5 player now with the looks of the trailer) co-op for Delta Squad's missions. 2 player was great, but there's times when the scale could've been more enjoyable if there were three or four people helping. The Unreal Engine can put out thousands of enemies but can't handle 4 player co-op campaign? C'mon now.

* = # of times I've watched the trailer

WTF South Korea?

I am what one would call....a gaming addict. I've played several hundred games and own about that many as well. I've found that there are a lot of people like me in America, we love playing video games and most of the time we're damn good at it. Well, the people in South Korea are so fond of gaming that the government is actually going to begin imposing limits on its underage gamers; a mandatory 6 hour blackout.

The new policy is going to "cut off online gaming" to some relatively well known games such as Maple Story and several others. In full swing the cut will effect roughly 19+ well known Korean games. How does one enforce this type of policy? Simple, if someone is spending lengthy amounts of time on the net, just slow down the internet to the particular household in question until its relatively stalled out.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (the ones organizing this craziness) isn't completely against gaming though. In fact, they're picking and choosing the games that will be part of the cut off; popular MMO Lineage won't be but the games Dungeon & Fighter and Dragon Nest, among others, will be. They're not completely cruel either, the gamers get to choose their cut out time period; midnight to 6 a.m., 1 a.m. to
7 a.m. or 2 a.m. to 8 a.m.

Not a bad idea in my opinion. In all actuallity, if the person has a job or goes to school they're normally sleeping at that time of the night/morning. Even if they aren't, like myself, they normally knock out around 2 and don't get up till 7:30 a.m. for work at 8 or 8:30 leaving really no time to hop online and do anything meaningful. I don't want that to happen Stateside though, I enjoy the occassional super gaming binge where I play from when I get home until work the next day, but at the same time, it would probably help me sleep if I couldn't play anything on the internet....there's always C&C Generals campaign though.


Monday, April 12, 2010

iPhone OS many win...

Over a hundred new features. That's what Steve Jobs said when he began talking about the iPhone's new OS coming this summer (this fall for the iPad). After scouring his hour long presentation twice I finally found out the most deserving items to outline and discuss.

There are going to be several past-due improvements:

For the camera: We're going to see a 5x-digital zoom for picture taking as well as tapping to focus during video-taking. We'll also see places tagged in pictures you take; i.e. Taking a picture in Tokyo, Japan will be tagged as having been taken in Tokyo, Japan.

There will be the ability to gift apps to other people

FINALLY be able to change the Home Screen background
The ability to hook up a bluetooth keyboard and on the same note as typing there will be a spell-checking feature.

Now with those minor features spoken for, let's get to the main part of the presentation: The Seven Tentpoles. These are to represent the biggest innovations and changes to the physical OS:

Tentpole #1: Multitasking - That's right folks. Multitasking.

1.      Double clicking the Home button is what is used to bring up the multitasking dock
·         Boasts less battery consumption
·         No "sluggishness" when switching apps
·         Allows for Task Completion; i.e. Flickr app takes a long time to upload pictures; now you can go to a different app while that task finishes without interrupting it.
·         Fast App Switching leaves the app you were just in at its exact position; i.e. you won't lose progress in games or apps such as Tap Tap Revenge.
2.      Background Audio
·         Distilled the 3rd party services used to make music apps like Pandora and made them party of the OS.
·         Will be able to run Pandora while using other apps
·         Will be able to run Pandora in “iPod mode” when your phone is locked.
3.      Voice-over IP
·         Skype used to have to be on the whole time for you to make and receive calls; now you can receive calls while doing other things
·         Shows up as a red call bar (green for normal phone)
·         Calls come in even when phone is locked
4.       Background Notifications
·         Using apps like Tom Tom normally require you to have them open so you get their notifications but now you get them even when you’re using another app.

 Tentpole #2: FOLDERS!!! - Yay!

1. Organize your apps
·         Press on an app as if to move it, drag it on top of another app and it creates a folder.
·         Folders auto name based on contents but you can rename them

2.      Expands number of viewable apps

·          If every space on every page was taken by a folder, you could increase the number of viewable apps from 180 to 2,160.

Tentpole #3: Enhanced Mail
1.      Unified inbox for multiple email accounts
·         Quickly move between different inboxes if you don’t unify them
2.       Open attachments with apps
3.       Organize messages in thread form instead of individual messages

Tentpole #4: iBooks!

1.      Same UI as the iPad

2.      Same iBook store as the iPad
·         Buy once, read through all devices
·         Syncs pages and bookmarks

Tentpole #5: Enterprise

1.      80% of Fortune 100 Companies use iPhone/iPad for business.

·         Encryption for email
·         Mobile device management
·         Wireless app distribution
·         Multiple Exchange accounts
·         Compatibility with Exchange Server 2010 and SSL VPN

Tentpole #6: GAME CENTER!!! - XBL Arcade for Apple?

1.      More than 50,000 individual game titles for the iPhone/iPad
·         Normally connected through services like OpenFeint and Plus+ gamers don’t really have a set matchmaking system or leaderboards.
2.       Social Gaming Network

·         Invite friends
·         Matchmaking
·         Leaderboards
·         ACHIEVEMENTS!!!
·         Only a “preview” during OS 4; more supposed to arrive later

Tentpole #7: iAd: Not a bad idea IMO

  1. Mobile Advertising facts
·         Avg. user spends roughly 30 minutes in apps a day.
·         Based on the number of apps downloaded and individual users there are about 1 Billion ad impressions daily
·         Helps devs with making money on “free” or cheap apps
·         iAd will give Devs up to 60% of revenue.
  1.  Mobile Advertising on a whole new level
·         Normally ads in apps are bland and take you away from your current task in a game or place in a news feed.
·         Now ads will be built to keep you in your place in the app
·         Will have more interactivity; i.e. downloads or sound bits
·         Will have more “emotion” than a typical plain text web ad
·         Will be in HTML 5 so videos will be embedded in the ads as well
  1.  Bought out mobile ad company Quattro: “We are thrilled to let you know that Apple has acquired Quattro.” –

Well thats about it for what was revealed at the conference. Also you should note that if you have an iPhone 3G or the original as well as the iPod Touch 2nd Gen or the original you won't be seeing all of these features due to the device's capabilities. So sad....oh well I get 'em all!!! I can't wait to multitask changing my background while playing EliminatePro while listening to Pandora while ignoring Skype calls while clicking a new movie ad and using that picture as my background. WOOT!
