
Friday, April 30, 2010

8-Bit Never Gets Old.....

8-Bit Rebellion is a nifty little iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad game that I talked about a while back when I first heard about it. After buying it for only $4.99 USD I was amazed by the depth and level that they incorporated the music and personalities of the individual band members into the game; each member had his own little area of the city such as Chester's Casino or Shinoda's Art Gallery. There are 8-bit versions of their hit songs playing and you can unlock the full ones to play in game.

If you have their actual music on the device you're playing on then you get more unlockables in the game as well as trophies/achievements. Beating the game allows you access to a never-before released track from the group; from what I've heard, its pretty awesome. There's plenty of gear (I'm the Master Chief knockoff), posters and furniture to collect as well as leveling up and just pounding on baddies who work for PixxelKorp (the evil company attempting world domination through crappy music and brainwashing). Load times are pretty much non-existant and the controls are wonderful. I hate iGames that have crappy control schemes or rely on the accelerometer too much. This game has wonderful and simple controls that you can either keep invisible or show up as a mini D-pad; which in this game actually doesn't get in the way of the actual gameplay.

I'm roughly halfway through the story now and I can honestly say this is funner than some of my Xbox 360 Arcade games. There's plenty of people online who're willing to help you out as well as fans who just want to talk LP. Overall I definitely give this game a 4.5/5 and I will definitely change that if they add to the story through updates or even just add side missions every now and then. Great game, really great game...


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