
Monday, July 26, 2010

Jailbreaking is Legal now.....when I don't wanna do it....

Well that's that now. Apple seems to have actually lost a court battle!!! According to Wired the Federal government has ruled that there is nothing at all wrong with jailbreaking a perfectly good iPhone.

I'm not really one to mess with the firmware of stuff but I was seriously close to jailbreaking my phone the other day when I missed the HandyLight app scandal. I really, really want tethering but I don't want to pay 20 bucks a month for it....anyway. I never did and I'm fine with it but there is a huge number of people that have and will continue to JB their phones (iPads and iPod Touch as well).

Back when the phone debuted jailbreaking was how people would get the iPhone on T-Mobile or internationally. Nowadays that's the last reason they have. Cydia and apps like it are gateways into apps of a....disreputable nature. Not only can you gain access to cracked App Store apps but you can also get apps that Apple doesn't approve through their stringent criterias.

"Regulators agreed, declaring Monday that “the activity of an iPhone owner who modifies his or her iPhone’s firmware/operating system in order to make it interoperable with an application that Apple has not approved, but that the iPhone owner wishes to run on the iPhone, fits comfortably within the four corners of fair use.”' - Wired

'Nuff said right? Well, Apple has its mouth shut right now, not being able to be reached for a comment on the matter but hey, Steve has made a deal with the Devil so if anyone can repeal this, he can.


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