
Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Literally About to Tweet History...

I want you to think about what I just said....tweet history. No, no one died or no cure for cancer. The simple act of tweeting is now considered "history". The United States Library of Congress....yeah....believes that the day to day incessant ramblings and ravings of the general population deserve to be immortalized in their normally exclusive archives.

Apparently intellectuals believe that this is a good idea as well; according to them, normal means of information conveyance have depicted people of a higher stature, or for lack of a better description, people with something at least semi-coherent and meaningful to say. But now, everyone from the noted child molester, murderers and general scum of the planet have their thoughts filtered in to the general public's; which isn't much different either. I don't know how many times I've gone into my Twitter account to check CNN's or the New York Time's headlines of the day and seen 14,000 'tweets' about someone's life sucking, too much "drama", what time the Kardashians start or that little "Tweet-king" himself, Justin Bieber (I didn't know who or what he was until I was alerted to him when I yelled "WHO THE F*** IS THIS GUY?!" in Book's-a-Million.) who is for some reason a trending topic for the last 6 months.

Apparently the Library has been doing stuff like this for a decade or so, since Web Sites began the to enter the fray as a useful and reliable source for information. The Tweets will be taking their place right by the information gathered from the Net during events such as presidential elections and the 9/11 attacks and the Library has amassed more than 167 terabytes of digital material, more than what the text of the 21 million books they've collected would equal.

This is not the material I want to be seeing when I'm excavating what's left of Washington, D.C. after the world ends. I don't see how the everyday tweets of the general (and IMO uneducated) masses are an "immense impact on culture and history." (<- That came from the director of communications for the Library if you can believe it.)

Am I the only sane person left in this country or are there other survivors of the Stup-ocalypse left out there? Calling all survivors, we must collect our own knowledge to weather the coming storm....hopefully, we will outlive the attrocities that will soon be commited and re-educate the remaining populace with actual knowledge.....knowledge that can be used to re-populate the Earth with people that aren't brain damaged at birth from the stupidity consumed by their moronic parents....

Just my take on the matter; I could be crazy and this could be the best thing to ever happen to the human race....or it could be another reason EVERY country in the world thinks we're a bunch of over-weight, uneducated hypocritical idiots. Just saying...


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