
Thursday, April 29, 2010


I've heard some pretty strange nerd-rage stories but I'll be damned if this isn't one of the strangest.

Apparently, a 16-year-old Chilean boy raged all over his 18-year-old brother for simply turning on their PS3 without permission. What makes this even weirder is that the 16-year-old stabbed his brother to death with a kitchen knife.

Yup, seriously. The boy stated that he became "infuriated" when his older brother turned on the console without asking, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and proceeded to stab him in the chest. The teen later told police that "things got out of control." If charges are pressed he'll be put in prison for up to five years.

Seriously...? Its shit like this that makes FOX NEWS and other wackos hate gamers and their games. Seek some counseling; splurge on another console or copy of the game or another control but for the love of Halo stop killing people! Jeez, you'd assume that the PS3 was made specifically for him with a controller that he had calibrated for his psycho little hands.....

People need to get some Ritalin or something man....


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